Sydney Distance Education High School

Quality individualised education

Telephone02 9383 0200

Senior Executive Team Welcome


Congratulations to the HSC class of 2024. Our students achieved some excellent results including 185 Band 5 and Band 6 results. Our HSC results continue a tradition of academic excellence in distance education, including outstanding individual successes. Over the past few years, a number of SDEHS students have scored in the top 10 of all students in the state in HSC subjects and we also celebrate the success of all our students whom we encourage and inspire to achieve their very best in all years of their schooling.

The Sydney Distance Education School Excellence Plan continues to focus on engaging students in their learning and strengthening our learning community. Students are supported, safe and valued as they enhance personal resilience and achieve success. Our school plan includes a focus on student growth and attainment within a culture of high academic expectations. Our commitment to teaching excellence includes further developing our online real time teaching with web lessons, personalised learning strategies, and intensive numeracy and literacy support. We continue to promote our student wellbeing programs to enhance inclusivity and a positive sense of school community.

Programs for 2025 include a Launchpad Student Induction Program for Years 11 and 12, as well as for Years 7-10, and increased support for timetabled web lessons. Staff continue to participate in professional learning throughout the year. This includes strengthening support for High Potential and Gifted Education to promote engagement and challenge for every student across intellectual, creative, social-emotional and physical domains. During 2025, we continue to work with other distance education schools to develop courses for new syllabuses being implemented. In addition, we will continue to support Aboriginal students' participation through developing and implementing Personalised Learning Pathways, and their parents’ and carers’ connections to the school.

The learning hubs in Woolloomooloo, Ingleburn, Glenbrook, Tuggerah and Miranda are key learning programs for students. The learning hubs continue to help drive the increasing real time learning experiences and strengthened connections between teachers and students.

As we focus on quality individualised education for each of our students, we provide so many opportunities for flexible blended learning that is both creative and challenging.

We welcome you to our school!