Sydney Distance Education High School is a public school committed to excellence and equity in distance education. We provide flexible blended learning programs, serving students from areas north of Wollongong, south of Newcastle, and west to the Blue Mountains. Close to the central business district of Sydney, we work on the land of the Traditional Custodians, the Gadigal of the Eora Nation.
Students who meet specific enrolment requirements attend our school because they are not able to attend another school on a fulltime basis. We teach courses for fulltime and part program students including students with medical conditions and those with additional support needs. We also teach students studying single courses which they are not able to access at their home schools. We offer a range of courses in Years 7–10 with our middle school program providing further courses for students who need additional literacy and numeracy support. We teach approximately 40 courses for Years 11–12.
The school enrols around 1600 students with a fulltime equivalent student number of over 800 and employs more than 200 fulltime and part time staff, with around 250 including casual and temporary staff.
We provide flexible blended learning opportunities for quality individualised education. Students may learn in many ways: through online lessons, written materials, web lessons, email and phone. At school, we engage students with individual lessons, study days and open days. We also have virtual assemblies, excursions and a range of peer support activities and student clubs to support student connections with our school. Almost all of our Years 7 – 10 courses are delivered online and we have a number of learning hubs across the Greater Sydney Region where students may work with teachers and other students in places closer to their homes.
Engagement with creative, challenging and blended learning opportunities is supplemented by inclusive student wellbeing programs and the school's partnerships with communities, families and other schools. We encourage students to take advantage of these opportunities to enhance their learning and sense of connection to their peers, their teachers and their school. Our high expectations are supported by a caring and nurturing environment with strong commitments to sustainability and social justice.
Distance education helps build independence and self discipline. We are proud of our students who have been placed into the top 10 in the state in Higher School Certificate courses and whose work has been selected for a range of prestigious exhibitions and performances. We are equally proud of all students whose courage and commitment is reflected in their determination to do their best.
Our website is for communication, collaboration and the celebration of student achievement. We inspire students to learn and to live their dreams.