Sydney Distance Education High School

Quality individualised education

Telephone02 9383 0200

Years 10-12

The Assessment Booklet provides an overview of the assessment program for each course at Sydney Distance Education High School, including policies and procedures that the school follows to ensure the assessment program is administered in accordance with NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) requirements.

You should also read the additional assessment information that will come to you from your teachers about the particular courses you are studying. 


Year 11 and Year 12

If you wish to make an illness or misadventure or extraordinary circumstances application, or appeal against a task result, use the following form.


HSC Monitoring

The HSC Monitoring advice for Year 12 students refers to several important documents. As a Year 11 or Year 12 student in 2025, every student enrolled at our school is required to complete and return a Student Statement. The required Statement and relevant documents can be accessed below.