Sydney Distance Education High School

Quality individualised education

Telephone02 9383 0200

Woolloomooloo learning hub on Gadigal land

SDEHS Woolloomooloo Learning Hub

The Woolloomooloo Learning Hub is on our school site in two learning spaces. Students in Year 10 and Year 12 are in the library, students in Years 7-9 and Year 11 are in our General Learning Space classroom. Our school is located at 38 – 68 Forbes St, Woolloomooloo.

The Woolloomooloo Learning Hub operates between 10.30 am to 3.00 pm each WEDNESDAY of school term.

Students are able to attend for all or part of the day.

Wed 10:30 am - 3:00 pm

Sydney Distance Education High School

38 - 68 Forbes Street, Woolloomooloo

Hub phone: 9383 0200

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