Sydney Distance Education High School

Quality individualised education

Telephone02 9383 0200

VET and Careers

Career education is studied in Year 10.

Students participate in exercises that explore their interests and abilities, develop a résumé, a job application letter and worker health and safety. All students will develop with the Careers Advisers a profile of their interests to formulate a desirable and appropriate career path.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) is offered to Yr11 and Yr12 students

VET courses are designed to deliver workplace-specific skills and knowledge and cover a wide range of careers and industries. Work placement is a compulsory part of all VET courses. It allows the skills and competencies to be demonstrated during the 70 hrs of the placement.

In Yr11 and Yr12 the VET courses offered include:

·       Retail Services

·       Business Services

·       Hospitality/Cookery