Sydney Distance Education High School

Quality individualised education

Telephone02 9383 0200

Year 12 Social Science Excursion to Darling Harbour

Excursion 25

Year 12 Social Science Students

Teachers: K Eykelenkamp, B Cameron, T Davies

GE-12-01 analyses rural and urban places, ecosystems, global diversity and economic activity, for their characteristics, spatial patterns, interactions, and nature and extent of change over time.

GE-12-02 analyses geographical processes and influences, at a range of  scales, that form and transform places and environments.

GE-12-05 synthesises and evaluates relevant geographical information from a variety of sources.

GE-12-09 communicates and applies geographical understanding, using geographical knowledge, concepts, terms and tools, and inappropriate forms. 

Walking and note taking

Location: Darling Harbour and Foreshore

Contact:  K Eykelenkamp - 9383 0374