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Sydney Distance Education High School

Sydney Distance Education High School

Quality individualised education

Telephone02 9383 0200

Orientation Day

Year Advisers 2019

Jessica Fletcher, Rachael Corkin, Julianna Chan, Helen Flint, Agatha Berezowski, Yolanda Passadore.

Orientation Day is designed to welcome new home students to Sydney Distance Education High School. On this day you will get an overview of how the school works, have an introductory session with elearning, transition and the library, and the chance to visit the Learning Hub. We will also have an informal morning tea where students, supervisors and teachers can meet one another.

Orientation Day is on Wednesday 27 February from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm.

Please phone your Year Adviser if you have any questions regarding the day. 


Year Advisers

Years 7 to 10 by student surnames

Agatha Berezowski (A-E) 9383 0355

Rachael Corkin (F-M) 9383 0240

Julianna Chan (N-Z) 9383 0286


Years 11 and 12 by student surnames

Jessica Fletcher (A-G) 9383 0461

Helen Flint (H-O) 9383 0367

Yolanda Passadore (P-Z) 9383 0427