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Sydney Distance Education High School

Sydney Distance Education High School

Quality individualised education

Telephone02 9383 0200

Orientation Day Term 3

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Our 3rd Orientation Day for 2021 is now moving online. It will be held in Week 5 of Term 3 on Wednesday 11 August at 10am – 12pm.

Microsoft Teams will be used to host this this sessions and instructions on how to join will be sent in an email invitation. 

Orientation Day is designed to welcome new home students to Sydney Distance Education High School. On the day students get an overview of how the school works, what wellbeing support is provided and receive introductory sessions about using elearning, ICT tools and the school library.

Invitations will be sent via email to newly enrolled home students, however if you feel you and your student would benefit from attending the day please contact Sally Xexenis on 9383 0221 or register your interest on this form.