Sydney Distance Education High School

Quality individualised education

Telephone02 9383 0200

HSC Trial Examinations information

Desks with department logo

Updated 10 August 2021

Following the NSW Department of Education advice for high schools in Greater Sydney all HSC Trial examinations are to be conducted from home. The HSC Trial Examinations will still commence Term 3, Weeks 6 and 7, starting Monday 16 August. Please disregard any previous information, as there have been several changes based from the latest advice from NSW Health, NESA and the NSW Department of Education.

Emails from the Principal have been and will continue to be sent directly to all HSC students and supervisors with all updated information as it occurs. This includes information on the rescheduled timetable, student vaccinations, major work submissions, NESA updates and instructions on the examination process. Please check these emails regularly as the directions issued by NSW Health and the NSW Department of Education are changing sometimes daily.

We encourage students and supervisors to keep a close and regular eye on the NESA website for their latest Coronavirus Advice.

If any students are struggling with their mental health due to the current situation, supervisors can contact a Year Advisors or Anna Hampouris, the Head Teacher Welfare for Years 11 and 12

Excellent advice and support in preparing for the HSC can be found on the Stay Healthy HSC site which has been developed by the NSW Department of Education.

Take care and thank you for your understanding and support.